The songs that changed my life.  Las canciones que me han cambiado la vida. Les chansons qui ont changé ma vie....          Join your host Sofi and her various alter-egos as she invites guests on a journey of musical self-reflection. Content warning: superficially profound and profoundly superficial.

It's 3.03 am. Welcome to the Witching Hour. Join your favourite pre-Christian prophet, Psychic Sibyl, as she takes you on a wild ride through the cosmic realm. Some content may not be suitable for those not seeking to uncover the deepest secrets of the unknown spiritual universe.

Life is stranger than fiction? Clearly you haven't listened to these strange tales... STRANGER THAN FICTION is a series brought to you by some seriously freaky writers, storytellers who weave tales of foreign lands on far-away shores... or perhaps, they are even closer than you think...