How to: sabotage fast fashion.
I still remember how excited I would feel every time I went shopping. The smell of new clothes, thousands of perfectly folded pieces ready to be picked up by my eager hands waiting to style new outfits. It was what everyone did and I was committed to respect the culture and follow the trend alerts, utterly unaware of what was going on in the background, and ignoring the fact that not only I had no idea of where these perfectly identical clothes came from, I also did not even think to question where these would end up once the hype was gone and people realised that actually, skinny jeans were not a good idea.
On the other hand, my mum has always really enjoyed finding a bargain and charity shopping offered her that rewarding experience. Colour-coded rails of clothes, some of which I was sure I seen in the High Street just about a month before, were smiling at her and she knew exactly what to do. Now, I know that charity shopping can be highly intimidating the first times and unless you’re going with a clear mindset or a certified expert (or both) things can feel quite overwhelming.
After checking the clothes she found most appealing, it was time for the purchase and it often did not bother her if there were little holes, they were still clothes made by someone and deserving of some TLC and a second chance aka the art of upcycling.

In our fight against fast fashion can become our best friend and although it can take a lot of looking around and scrolling, once we find what we were looking for the feeling of satisfaction is worth the wait. In the world of second hand shopping, the wait is sexy and much patience is needed along with a clear envisioning of the outfits you wish to create: some things might not exactly look like what we were looking for, however, this does not mean that there is not potential. Creativity is key and certainly something that can be helped with some fine Pinterest procrastination scrolling, (should it be considered procrastination if the outcomes are successful outfits? don’t think so). Try something out of our comfort zone add some spice to your closet, or some roses and patterns, go crazy girl!!

Going to Vintage fairs and shops are great friend-apt activities, with the reward of finding good quality clothes once loved and ready to have a new owner. Vintage shopping can be very affordable, especially considering that many of the brands available are now selling similar things for more expensive prices, one trip to Armstrong and you’ll be able to find a much better priced pair of Levi’s jeans or the comfiest cashmere jumper.
This sabotage is about choosing the more sustainable option when you are able to, but also being aware that not everyone is able to access ethical and sustainable living (and in this case, clothes) but if you have access to a friend it could be a good idea to look at what you already love and no longer love and have a little clothes swap party!
And If this is not enough to motivate you into shopping more sustainably, then just think of how much clearer the ocean will be without all the clothes that end up in landfill 🙂