Estás un poco aburrido y buscando buena energía y inspiración facíl de consumir?
Episodes 3 and 4: ‘Le Gap Yah’ and ‘Les Kitten Heels’:
[kuʀamɑ̃ ]
1. [parler] fluently
Elles parlent ‘couramment’ . They speak ‘fluently’……………….
Quelqu’un peut-il me dire pourquoi tous les bébés dans le Louvre sont hyper terrifants…?
“Ya llegará la inspiración…..”
(***cricket noises***)
(***hay bales***)
(***4 months later***)
Emily and Briá are both in Paris. The only difference? Netflix is funding Emily’s delightful, American fever dream, and their budget is considerably higher than Briá’s Erasmus funding…
Briá recounts the surprisingly tumultuous, and utterly embarrassing events of one sunny morning in a Parisian boulangerie…